Yamarin 59 SC

Standard equipment on the new Yamarin 59 SC includes seat cushions, the Yamarin Q smart display, Navionics electronic navigation charts, hydraulic steering, Softdeck non-slip deck material, LED deck lights, a fixed 110-litre fuel tank and the Yamaha Y-COP immobiliser. Options include trim tabs, sonar, a Fishfinder and Q Guard.

Two factory-fitted equipment packages are also available.
Comfort Edition includes an aft canopy and windshield wiper.
Premium Edition includes an aft canopy, windshield wiper, console cover, table, water-skiing arch and an Entertainment package, which includes speakers and an amplifier.

Küsi lisa ja sa saad informatsiooni toote saadavuse ja tarneaja pikkuse kohta. Lisaks on sul vajadusel võimalus konsulteerida meie spetsialistiga.

Usaldusväärne teenindusUsaldusväärne teenindus

Kindel kvaliteetKindel kvaliteet

Turvaline ostukohtTurvaline ostukoht

Kliendid kiidavadKliendid kiidavad


An agile side console suited to meet all your needs

Yamarin 59 Side Console will adjust to all your needs, from a fun daytrip boat to connection use and fishing at the summer house. The agile boat has a little extra volume and breadth in the hull, resulting in a very stable and comfortable ride, even in sharper turns and waves. Thanks to the high windshield the driver’s area is well protected from wind, and the handrails around the windshield give a great support when moving around the console area and through the boat.

The spacious sofas at the bow and stern make the 59 SC ideal for enjoying relaxing summer days when moored at the shore or harbour. The backrest of the wide skipper’s seat can be flipped forward, turning the aft section into a socialising area for five persons.

There is plenty of deck space and all the steps are well-placed, so it is effortless to move inside the boat. Thanks to the side console, access from bow to stern is safe and uncluttered. The aft deck is wide and flat, making it easy to board the boat from the dock, even when carrying luggage. Support is provided by the optional water-skiing arch, which extends from the front of the engine along both sides close to the rear edge of the swimming platform.

Beneath the swimming platform on the left side is stowage space for mooringlines and the anchor. On the starboard side, the fuel filler cap and fuel filter can be found under the deck. The wide swimming platforms on the aft deck on both sides of the outboard motor serve as access routes from the dock, as well as practical casting places for anglers. The entire deck and all walkways are covered with a stylish Softdeck non-slip deck material that comes as standard.

The standard Yamarin Q smart display with Navionics electronic navigation charts makes boating simple. Yamarin Q also includes a radio, and you can even use it to stream music from your own smart device. Optional extras include a Fishfinder, sonar and remote control, which makes it easy to operate the smart display and adjust the volume, for example, while relaxing on the sofa. Standard features on the smart display include the Q Guard anti-theft service, which enables owners to monitor the location of their boat remotely. A factory-fitted accessory kit extends Q Guard’s functions to include battery, bilge and engine status.

Tehniline info






840 kg

Soovituslik mootor

80hp – 115hp


110 l



Lubatud inimesi


Max kiirus

37 sõlme



Standard varustus

  • Anchor boxes at bow and stern
  • Canopy garage
  • Fender retainers
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Fuel filter
  • Glove compartment
  • Hydraulic steering
  • LED deck lights
  • Manual bilge pump
  • Mug holder
  • Navigation lights
  • Power outlet 12V / USB
  • Seat cushions for open space
  • Stainless steel railings, cleats and handles
  • Yamaha Y-COP immobilizer
  • Yamarin Q 10”
  • Fixed fuel tank, 110 litres
  • Softdeck

Tehase valikud

Premium Edition

  • Aft canopy
  • Windshield wiper, right
  • Console cover
  • Table
  • Entertainment package
  • Water-skiing arch

Comfort Edition

  • Aft canopy
  • Windshield wiper, right
  • Fishfinder
  • Guard
  • Sonar
  • Trim tabs

Tark Disain

Yamarin ja Cross paatides on ühendatud uusimaid paadiehituse tehnoloogiaid ja ajatut disaini. Paadisõit peab olema vaevatu, ohutu ja mugav. Seetõttu on kõigil Yamarin ja Cross paatidel suurepärased juhitavusomadused ja nad saavad aasta-aastalt edukalt hakkama riiklikel ja rahvusvahelistel paadikatsetel. Põhjalikust mudelivalikust leiab sobiva mudeli nii staažikas kipper kui ka esmakordne paadi ostjad. Tutvu Yamarin ja Crossi mudelivalikuga ja leia oma Yamarin!

Vii oma paadiomanikuks saamise unistus täide!

Kompromissitu suhtumine töökvaliteeti, tihe koostöö Yamahaga ja klientide vajaduste mõistmine. Need on Yamarini paatide eduloo lähtekohad. Viimase 40 aasta jooksul on Yamarinist saanud üks Põhjamaade silmapaistvamaid paadibrände. Yamarini paate on ehitatud alates 1972. aastast ja tänapäeval on maailmas ringi sõitmas üle 70 000 Yamarini paadi.