Viking EPS
20,651 €Yamaha Viking EPS tänavalegaalne 20 870€
Kui töötad rasketes välistingimustes, vajad parimaid töövahendeid. Seepärast on Yamaha loonud Vikingi, et muuta sinu töö lihtsamaks ja nauditavamaks.
Läbikäidav põrand ja astmeline kolmekohaline istmepaigutus muudavad juurdepääsu mõlemalt küljelt kiireks ja lihtsaks. Avarat lastialust saab kallutada, et säästa mahalaadimisel aega ja vaeva. Nutikas tehnoloogia, nagu Ultramatic® käigukast ning lülitatav 2WD ja 4WD, aitab sul töö ära teha. EPS teeb sõidu mugavamaks ja kergesti ligipääsetav mootor muudab hoolduse lihtsamaks.
Yamaha Viking EPS on täielikult töökindel ja väga võimekas. Kolmekohalise ja mugava salongiga Yamaha, millel on elektrooniline roolivõimendi (EPS), on end tõestanud parima ühe istmereaga töömasinana.
Wolverine® RMAX™2 1000 LE
33,600 €Reimagine everything. The Limited Edition Wolverine®RMAX™2, like the SE model features LE graphics and painted bodywork. The LE model also features FOX Intelligent Quick Switch (iQS) shocks, suspension adjustment by a dashboard switch for di erent pro les for better control to suit varying terrain as you ride.
This stylish machine is shod with 30” Carnivore tyres and is tted with an upgraded bumper that carries a powerful VRX4500 lbs winch. The shifter and parking brake lever re ect the high engineering quality to be found throughout this LE model. For increased driver safety, the Limited Edition model is also equipped with a speed management key.
After extensive testing and trials in every condition imaginable, a new level of all-terrain performance was born. The Wolverine® RMAX™2 1000 LE enables maximum connection between driver and machine – for a one-to-one relationship that has not been possible before. Experience leisure riding with friends and family like never before.
Wolverine® RMAX™2 1000 SE
30,700 €The resilient plastic body of the standard Wolverine®RMAX™4 is complemented by the style and comfort of the coloured, soft-touch interior (knee and centre console) with a pair of special X2 seats and a tilt steering wheel with 17 degrees of adjustment. A convenient Speed Management Key is also standard.
This practical machine is shod with 29” Dirt Commander tyres and features the ultra-reliable FOX 2.0 QS3 shocks package. A winch mount on the tough front bumper is standard, along with rubber mats to keep the dash panel tidy. A line-up of stylish interior switches completes the picture.
After extensive testing and trials in every condition imaginable, a new level of all-terrain performance was born. The Wolverine® RMAX™4 1000 enables maximum connection between driver and machine – for a one-to-one relationship that has not been possible before. Experience leisure riding with friends and family like never before.
Wolverine® RMAX™4 1000
32,970 €The resilient plastic body of the standard Wolverine®RMAX™4 is complemented by the style and comfort of the coloured, soft-touch interior (knee and centre console) with a pair of special X2 seats and a tilt steering wheel with 17 degrees of adjustment. A convenient Speed Management Key is also standard.
This practical machine is shod with 29” Dirt Commander tyres and features the ultra-reliable FOX 2.0 QS3 shocks package. A winch mount on the tough front bumper is standard, along with rubber mats to keep the dash panel tidy. A line-up of stylish interior switches completes the picture.
After extensive testing and trials in every condition imaginable, a new level of all-terrain performance was born. The Wolverine® RMAX™4 1000 enables maximum connection between driver and machine – for a one-to-one relationship that has not been possible before. Experience leisure riding with friends and family like never before.
Wolverine® X2 850
24,400 €Yamaha Wolverine X2 850 Alu tänavalegaalne mudel hinnaga 26 380€
Wolverine® X2 on ehitatud selleks, et viia sind ja sinu kaasreisija vajadusel ka läbi äärmusliku maastiku. Lühike teljevahe, suure pöördemomendiga mootor ja kompaktne raam tagavad selle. Ergonoomiline disain ja kasutajasõbralikkus pakuvad veelgi suuremat mugavust ja võimekust.
32,458 €Meie pärand rallidel ja positsioon juhtiva sport-ATV-de tootjana on andnud meile ainulaadse vaatenurga ja tugeva insenertehnilise baasi, millest oleme loonud järgmise põlvkonna adrenaliiniga laetud Side-by-Side mudelid, YXZperekonna.
Yamaha ülemaailmne maine on rajatud ralliedu võimsale alusele. Meie suure jõudlusega ATV-de sarja võidutulemuste valguses pole ehk üllatav, et oleme SxS-maastiku täielikult ümber kujutanud – esmalt YXZ1000R-iga ja nüüd mängu muutva YXZ1000R SS-iga.
Pakkudes puhtalt sportliku soorituse lülitust järgmisele tasemele, on see mudel Sport Shift valmis muutma teie võidusõitu, sest järjestikune käigukast loob maksimaalse ühenduse juhi ja masina vahel – üks-ühele suhte, mis lihtsalt pole varem võimalik olnud.