Yamarin 80 DC

Yamarin 80 Day Cruiser innovatively combines the best features of a day cruiser and a walkaround.

Yamarin 80 DC differs from typical Nordic day cruisers and also from Yamarin’s other models especially in the design of its bow deck, which provides access to the boat from the side. Access from the sheltered open seating area to the bow is located on the port side, whereas in most modern day cruisers access is typically in the middle of the boat.

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Usaldusväärne teenindusUsaldusväärne teenindus

Kindel kvaliteetKindel kvaliteet

Turvaline ostukohtTurvaline ostukoht

Kliendid kiidavadKliendid kiidavad

Embrace the elegance, enjoy the comfort

Behind the opening windshield and the door of the new model, a recessed and sheltered passageway leads to the bow and is protected by a railing. In other respects, the bow deck is completely flat, so it is easy to move about in the bow when docking. It also makes an excellent place for a sunbed. Access along the side to the bow also enabled a larger bow cabin door opening compared to traditional solutions. This makes it easier to move between the bow cabin and the open space.

Yamarin 80 DC features a spacious bow cabin for sleeping, which is very well lit thanks to the large hull windows. There is also an opening hatch on the deck. On the port side, under the recessed passageway, there is a comfortable divan with a wonderful view out of the adjacent hull window. In addition, there is a separate, spacious WC in the bow. From the bow cabin there is also access to another spacious sleeping cabin located under the open space, where two adults can sleep comfortably.

The real heart of the boat, however, is its spacious open space where up to eight people can socialise in comfort. The pantry on the port side is equipped with a stove, refrigerator and sink, as well as good storage facilities. During cooking, the lid of the pantry opens into a handy worktop. The size of the socialising area in the boat’s open space increases significantly when the backrest of the skipper’s double bench is flipped forward. The back of the sofa in the stern also flips down, turning it into a sunbed.

The Yamarin Q smart display is an integral part of the boat, as is the Yamaha F300 V6 outboard. Standard equipment includes one 16″ Q-display with Navionics electronic navigation charts, and a double display is optional.

Yamarin 80 DC features a clearly laid-out cockpit, which has been designed with designated places for screens, Yamaha gauges and the joystick that controls the engine, as well as a charging port for phones.

In addition to easy access from the bow, the boat also provides unobstructed and flat passage from the stern. The swimming platforms are covered in Softdeck non-slip floor surfaces that are very durable and comfortable even for bare feet, and they extend far along the sides of the boat. In front of the outboard, there is a spacious storage space into which the boat’s canopy can be easily folded.

Standard equipment includes an electrical WC, refrigerator, 16″ Yamarin Q smart display, Navionics charts and Softdeck coatings in the open space. Optional equipment includes a second 16″ display, heating or air conditioning, a bimini top or canopy, a table in the open space, a sunbed and a bimini top for the bow deck.

Tehniline info






2200 kg

Soovituslik mootor

225hp – 350hp


300 l



Lubatud inimesi


Max kiirus

43 sõlme


4 +



Standard varustus

  • Anchor boxes at bow and stern
  • Cabin carpet
  • Canopy garage
  • Cushions, cockpit
  • Fender retainers
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Fixed fuel tank, 300 litres
  • Fuel filter
  • Hydraulic steering
  • LED deck lights
  • Lockable cabin door
  • Manual and electric bilge pump
  • Mug holders
  • Navigation lights
  • Power outlet 12V / USB
  • Stainless steel railings, cleats and handles
  • Stove
  • Tilt steering wheel
  • Twin battery system
  • Windshield wipers
  • Yamaha Y-COP immobilizer
  • Yamarin Q 16″
  • Hull windows
  • Openable deck hatch
  • Bow thruster readiness
  • Softdeck
  • Cabin mattresses + interior pillows
  • Divan
  • Stereo
  • Interior spot lights
  • Interior ambient LED lighting
  • WC, electrical, septic tank 30 l
  • Pantry with pressurised water system, 71 l
  • Twin seat with flipping backrest
  • Extra storage place under bow mattress
  • Sunbed, aft (flippable backrest)
  • Curtain

Tehase valikud

Deluxe package

  • Aft canopy
  • Table
  • Trim tabs
  • Refrigerator

Touring package

  • Heater
  • Anchor winch, aft
  • Shower on bathing platform

Lounge package

  • Table
  • Trim tabs
  • Refrigerator
  • Bimini
  • Anchor winch, bow
  • Shower on bathing platform
  • Bimini, bow
  • Bow thruster
  • Helm EX Joystick / Autopilot
  • Bow thruster, Yamaha Helm EX integrated
  • Helm EX Joystick / Autopilot & integrated bow thruster
  • T-Top
  • Docking light, T-Top
  • Canvas for T-Top
  • Entertainment+
  • Heater + Shower, aft (on bathing platform), warm
  • Air conditioning
  • Roller shade, bow hatch
  • Stair in the bow
  • Underwater lights
  • Guard
  • Anchor winch, bow
  • Anchor winch, aft
  • Yamarin Q+
  • Heater
  • Flexiteek
  • Water-skiing bracket
  • Shore power system
  • Fishfinder
  • Sonar

Tark Disain

Yamarin ja Cross paatides on ühendatud uusimaid paadiehituse tehnoloogiaid ja ajatut disaini. Paadisõit peab olema vaevatu, ohutu ja mugav. Seetõttu on kõigil Yamarin ja Cross paatidel suurepärased juhitavusomadused ja nad saavad aasta-aastalt edukalt hakkama riiklikel ja rahvusvahelistel paadikatsetel. Põhjalikust mudelivalikust leiab sobiva mudeli nii staažikas kipper kui ka esmakordne paadi ostjad. Tutvu Yamarin ja Crossi mudelivalikuga ja leia oma Yamarin!

Vii oma paadiomanikuks saamise unistus täide!

Kompromissitu suhtumine töökvaliteeti, tihe koostöö Yamahaga ja klientide vajaduste mõistmine. Need on Yamarini paatide eduloo lähtekohad. Viimase 40 aasta jooksul on Yamarinist saanud üks Põhjamaade silmapaistvamaid paadibrände. Yamarini paate on ehitatud alates 1972. aastast ja tänapäeval on maailmas ringi sõitmas üle 70 000 Yamarini paadi.